Island Shores Estates Condominium Association Snow Procedure 2022/2023

The removal of snow from roadways, parking areas, driveways and walkways will be done in accordance with the following guidelines.

When snow accumulation exceeds over 2.0” they will initiate snow removal services for Island Shores Estates and will continue to service the site until the storm has ended and the site cleanup has completed. Snow will be plowed from all main paved road surfaces only during the storm.

Upon arrival, it is the initial objective of the Contractor to clear the roadways for safe passage. Once the roadways are clear and after the storm has stopped, final clean-up will begin with parking spaces followed by main sidewalks.

Final Cleanup is determined when the storm ends. If the storm ends by 10 am, the final clean-up will begin that day. If the storm ends after 10AM, final clean-up will begin the following morning at 8 AM.

The snow contractor will also apply sand/salt applications to all paved roadways, driveways and parking areas as needed.

You will be required to remove your vehicle upon sounding of horns from the contractor. They will give 15 minutes to move your vehicle. Please DO NOT move your car(s) until the snow removal crew blows their horns alerting you to do so. Cars are allowed to move briefly to already plowed areas while their parking lot is plowed, however your cars must be moved back to their assigned spots immediately upon snow removal completion of your assigned spot. Suggestion is to stay with your car while your area is being plowed. There can be no overnight parking on the roadways as this impedes the plowing of the roadways and your vehicle will be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense.

Vehicles that do not move for final cleanup may be subject to towing and fines placed on your account. Not moving your vehicle for final clean-up only makes it hard for the car parked next to you to have a clean spot with no snow and ice.

Any vehicle found blocking snow removal operations will be towed without warning, at the vehicle owners’ expense.

Please remember it is the responsibility of the owner/renter of every unit to make sure vehicles are moved in a timely matter when the plow trucks arrive for snow removal. Furthermore, if an owner/renter has guests visiting during the snow it is the vehicle owners’ responsibility. If a resident is going to be away during the snow season, please plan with a relative, friend or neighbor to have the vehicle moved as needed or call management to make arrangements. If you are away for a prolonged period of time, it is suggested you move your vehicle to offsite storage.

Residents are not allowed to direct the contractor to areas they would like to have cleaned. If you have an issue that need to be addressed, please reach out to Management.

With everyone’s cooperation, snow removal will move much smoother and quicker.